Articles and Interviews

Below you can find some articles and interviews published in specialised journals:


"KoWi-Talk - der Podcast", 17.062024

40 Jahre europäisches Forschungsrahmenprogramm

Sonderausgabe des Podcasts mit Interviews aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln


Gesamtdauer knapp eine Stunde - mein Beitrag beginnt bei Minute 32:15

"Research Europe", 12.10.2023

Game changer?

Article on the implications of future EU enlargement on European research policy

231012 Research Europe.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 111.7 KB

"Research Europe", 28.04.2022

Lump sums and price tags

Article on accounting methods and funding questions

220428 Research Europe.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 51.8 KB

"Research Europe", 5.8.2021

Paper Tiger

Article on the Pact for Research and Innovation

Paper tiger.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 37.1 KB

"Research Europe", 26.11.2020

"What went wrong?"

Article on the Horizon Europe budget

What went wrong.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 37.3 KB

"Research Europe", 26.09.2019

"What's in a name?"

Article on the nomination of the new Commissioner for Innovation and Youth ...

"Science Business Bulletin", 16.05.2019

"Where next for EU science?"

Article quoting some of my views

"Research Europe", 18.04.2019                      "Broaden the Horizon - EU research policy risks becoming a support service for the Commission"

Invited article

Net4Society ISSUES January 2019, 31.01.2019

"Coupling research and innovation in a single programme might become a much more challenging task than it seems at first glance"

"ScienceBusiness", 04.10.2018

"The battle for Horizon Europe"

Article quoting some of my views on current developments

"ScienceBusiness" Newsletter, 11.09.2018

"What are the true budget gains in Horizon Europe?"

"Research Europe", 11.06.2018        "Horizon Europe needs the numbers to match its words"

Invited article

"Impossible Works", 18.03.2018                      Interview on Horizon 2020

Interview (in Greek)

"Research Europe", 14.09.2017 -                     "Brexit paper is a good start, but much more is needed"

Invited article

"Research Europe", 26.01.2017 -        "Making Horizon 2020 proposals easier risks creating more work"

Invited article


Related THINK Piece

"Research Europe", 20.10.2016 -                     "Brexit could derail planning of the next Framework Programme"

Invited article

"University World News", 26.08.2016 - "Evaluating the EU’s Horizon 2020 and designing FP9"

... including some quotes from my written comments



"Research Fortnight", 25.5.2016 -         "Brexit would open a can of worms for research policy in Europe"

Invited article

"Research Europe", 21.01.2016 -           "Want a simpler Horizon 2020? Get rid of work programmes"

Invited Article, based on THINK Piece 3/2015



THINK Piece 3/2015

"Research Europe", 03.12.2015 -           Article "Lessons learned?" on the FP7 Final Evaluation Report

... including some quotes from my comments in a telephone interview




FP7 Final Evaluation Report


Interview with AGENDA - the journal of MOSTA, the Lithuanian Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre



You can find the interview on pages 48 to 50


MOSTA Agenda 4/2014
MOSTA AGENDA 4-2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 4.4 MB

As the journal is in Lithuanian language only, the draft English version below might be of some help (at least for some of you ...).


Interview MOSTA 150214.docx
Microsoft Word Dokument 11.2 KB